In case you didn't know this is the weekend that Daylight Savings Time ends. It is the time when we turn back our clocks one hour. It also stands out a little bit because beginning this year (2007) the government has changed the time when we turn our clocks.
I'm mentioning this because I noticed that my cellphone has already done the change. I just wonder how this is possible - especially this year when the date of changing the clocks has changed. I mean is there some way that my cellphone can be programmed by someone (or something) else? Was it already programmed into the cellphone to change the time at the time that the time was supposed to change? I guess I should just be happy that it changed all by itself without me having to do it but I still wonder how it was able to do that?
Meanwhile I still have a lot of clocks to change around the house.
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You know you never know just *what* you are going to find on the Internet!
I say that because I have happened upon a site that is in a way just ...
9 years ago
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