Friday, July 13, 2007

My First Computer?

The first computer that I ever had was a Tandy (remember that name) that I got from Radio Shack for Christmas many, many moons ago! I would still have it today but I gave it to a friend of my mother's who was interested in computers but didn't know too much about them.

He bought a computer for $25 which I wouldn't do because I don't think that you can get a good computer - even if its used for just $25!

I think that I am now on my 3rd computer. I would love to have a laptop though - I'm working on that one!

Computers have come a loooong way since I have had my Tandy but you know one of the most interesting things is that myTandy used floppy disks which I'm glad to say my current computer uses also. I mean its nice to have the latest stuff but I still want to be able to use my old stuff too.

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